Claudia Byram, PhD

Claudia Byram

Claudia began her long acquaintance with SAVI in 1975, when she apprenticed herself to Yvonne Agazarian and Anita Simon, who were launching the first open workshops training professionals in the SAVI model.  Intrigued and convinced that SAVI had something unique to offer, she has continued to work with and teach about it ever since.  She has brought SAVI into educational and organization settings, brought SAVI into the annual conference of the American Group Psychotherapy Association for many years and teaches both basic and advanced SAVI workshops.

Claudia co-authored the SAVI Coding Manual with Anita Simon, the handbook for researchers who are using SAVI to organize data about the systems they are studying.  She is a principal of SAVI Communications LLC, along with Fran Carter. Claudia is a senior trainer in the SAVI Certification program, contributes to its development and works with Fran Carter to make the program available to people who want to develop sufficient skill to train others in SAVI.

Claudia is also a founding member of the Systems-Centered® Training and Research Institute, a current member of the Board of Directors and a System Mentor.  Her work in developing the SCT training curriculum, the SCTRI web site and the organizational structure itself reaches back to the emergence of SCT in the early 1990s.  She is a licensed Systems-Centered Practitioner and an active clinician in her Philadelphia psychotherapy practice.


Country/Countries United States of America;
Language(s) English;