Amy Yeager

Amy Yeager

Amy Yeager is a coach, consultant, instructor, and author with a focus on communication effectiveness, team development, and psychophysiological self-regulation. She is co-author of Conversation Transformation (McGraw-Hill, 2012), the first book to be published on SAVI®.

Amy has led the research, development, and facilitation of countless trainings for both clients and practitioner trainees on topics ranging from delegation and accountability to building trust, resolving conflict, and delivering effective feedback. Her clients have ranged from nursing staffs to school faculties to corporate executive teams. She has a particular expertise in analyzing and transforming habitual patterns of behavior, which she has applied therapeutically as a certified practitioner of the Alexander Technique and Self-Regulation Therapy, as well as in her work with executives.

Amy received her AB in Psychology from Harvard University. Her professional development has included intensive training in systems theory and somatic therapy and coaching. Outside of work, her greatest learning and inspiration come from her twin daughters.


Country/Countries United States of America;
Language(s) English;